Senja samples of "Recount Text " 1 . Holiday in Malino I spent my last holiday in Malino, South Sulawesi with my friends. On the first day, I arrived at Villa at 12.00 after a 4 hour trip with a bus. After I arrived, I decided to take a shower and rest for a while. Then, I followed a trip with our guide to explore a Malino. On the next morning, we go to Malino Highlands. We had fun, we also ate good food. On the last day, I went shopping for some souvenirs. After that, I returned to Makassar. We arrived in Makassar at 19.00. I had a wonderful experience in Malino. It was the best trip of my life 2. Fatigue Last Friday was a tiring day. I spent the whole day doing lot of activities and had no time to take a rest. First, I went cycling to school in the morning. Then, I studied until 14.00. After school, I went to football practice in the field. It was a hard training day and drained my energy. After that, I went home and took a shower. Before getting ready to sleep, I re...
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