journey from class to the cafeteria and main field and back to class

Assalamualaikum friends, this morning I walked from class to the canteen at 08.30, when I went to the canteen I met class 11 electronics who were relaxing outside the classroom. And I arrived at the canteen at 08.35, then met my friends named Raya, Burhan, and Bintang. I saw them enjoying themselves eating snacks and drinking while playing games. Then I approached her and chatted. After that I met Mrs. Ning, the Javanese language teacher and I greeted her. After that I headed to the canteen seller to buy bread and iced coffee. After my food and drink were finished, I continued towards the main school field at 08.50, then I met automotive 1 friends who were playing sports. After that I returned to class. On my way back to class I met DKV friends who were doing their assignments. Then I arrived at class at 09.15 to meet my classmates That's all I can tell you from my story this time up to here, friend" wasallam mualaikum wr.wb.